First Aid Kits
Accidents and injuries are unpredictable, but a first aid kit can be your best friend when they happen. The purpose of a first aid kit is to have the first line of defense in case of discomfort or trauma. After an accident occurs, time is of the essence, and a first aid kit is invaluable.

First aid kits help you prepare for the unexpected. A first-aid kit should be tailored based on your activities and needs. At the least, a first kit should be kept in your home and your vehicle. You can purchase many first aid kits at drugstores, or you can assemble your own.
There are different types of first aid kits. Some are very simple and contain various sized bandages, antiseptic, and cold packs to control swelling.
The main reasons for having a good first aid kit include:

To treat injuries quickly
Have all you need in one place
Less risk of complication
Very compact package
Antibiotics within arms reach
Relieve the pain of a burn instantly
Prevent discomfort or irritation from bug bites
Be a helping hand to a child or friend
Control bleeding
Support breathing
Perform CPR
Locations a first-aid kit would be useful:
Sports activities
Outdoor Adventures
What are 10 items in a first aid kit?
According to the Mayo Clinic, the basic first aid supplies should include:
Adhesive tape
Elastic wrap bandages
Bandages including strips and Butterly bandages in assorted sizes
Nonstick sterile bandages and roller gauze
Safety pins to secure gauze
Sterile saline for irrigation
Cold packs
Antibiotic ointment
Hand sanitizer
Hydrogen peroxide
First-aid manual

Medication that should be in a first aid kit:
Pain relievers including aspirin
Hydrocortisone cream
Anti-diarrhea medication
What are the best first aid kits?
In the year 2020, these first aid kits are considered the best by Business Insider:
First Aid Only All-Purpose 299-piece First Aid Kit (highly rated) This kit contains everything short of what might require a trip to the emergency room. It is well organized, so you don’t have to search for too long.
Be Smart Get prepared 250 Piece First Aid Kit (for the office) This kit is ASHA and ANSI compliant and covers the first aid needs of up to 50 people. It is excellent for the office.
Lightning X Products First Responder First Aid Kit (for disaster preparedness) if you are cut off from emergency services after a natural disaster or other emergencies, this kit will be invaluable.
Coleman All Purpose Mini First Aid Kit (budget-friendly) This first aid kit can help you treat all sorts of minor scrapes, scratches, bug bites, and more.
The R72 Modular First Aid Kit includes a comprehensive first aid kit that can help prevent an injury from getting worse until help arrives. It easily connects to the R72 Vest + Modular Bags and detaches in a zip!
Vinyl Gloves
Safety Pins (10)
Sterile Eye Pads (4)
Standard Adhesive Bandages (30)
Waterproof Fingertip Bandage PE (5)
Butterfly Bandages (15)
PBT Bandage (2)
Elbow/Knee Bandage (5)
Triangular Bandage (2)
Stainless Steel Knife Card
Elastic (Ace) Bandage (2)
Alcohol Swabs (6)
Silicon Tourniquet (2)
Adhesive Tape (2)
Adhesive Wound Dressing (2)
Sterile Guaze Swab 2" x 2" (4)
Sterile Gauze Swab 3" x 3" (3)
Sterile Gauze Swab 4" x 4" (2)
Emergency Foil Blanket (2)
Cotton Swabs (15)
Medical Mask (2)
Lodine Antiseptic Wipes (4)
Modular Case made of Oxford waterproof material
Retail Price: $29.99 Special Blog-only Code for $5 off: BLOG5OFF
Is it cheaper to buy or build a first aid kit?
Building a first aid kit can be very simple by gathering some essential items and putting them in a plastic container. You could make one for your home and vehicle. Consider what you and your family need and what your activities include.
The American National Standard Institute (ANSI) and the International Safety Equipment Association set and maintain standards for first aid kits.
Whether big or small, a first aid kit is usually the first thing you grab when accidents happen. For minor mishaps like cuts, scrapes, minor burns, stings, or allergic reactions, the items in a first aid kit are invaluable. For more complicated situations, having a comprehensive first aid kit can help alleviate suffering until an ambulance arrives and even save lives. There are certain factors to consider when purchasing a first aid kit.
In 2016, an official standard was set for first-aid kits. It was determined that the contents of a first aid kit should depend upon the intended use.
What are 20 items in a first aid kit?
First Aid Kit Classifications
Class A: Best for families and low-risk workplaces. A general first aid kit should include these basic supplies:
A first-aid manual
A list of emergency phone numbers
Antibiotic Ointment to prevent infections
Antiseptic to clean wounds before bandaging and destroy germs or microorganisms
Sterile adhesive bandages to cover wounds and control bleeding
Adhesive tape to hold bandages or dressing on wounds
Medicine to alleviate pain, counteract allergies, and treat common ailments
Basic Medical Tools including tweezers, shears, gauze, and thermometer
Cold Packs to reduce swelling and cool burns
Burn Treatment creams or sprays
Eye/Skin Wash to remove contaminants in irritants from eyes and skin
Elastic bandage for sprains
Medical gloves to protect the patient and the rescuer
2” Rolled Bandage to absorb bodily fluids from wounds and cover more extensive wounds
Sterile Pad
Triangular Bandage
Class B: A complete first aid kit is needed for high-risk tasks and adventures. This first aid kit includes all of the supplies in a Class A kit but with more of each item plus the following supplies:
4” Rolled Bandage for larger wounds
Splint for supporting and protecting broken bones
Tourniquet for life-threatening wounds
Trauma pad
What are 10 items in a first aid kit?
The top 10 First Aid items for a medical international instructor include:
Gloves/Eye protection
CPR Pocket Mask
Roller Gauze
4x4 Gauze Pads
Medical Tape
Two Triangular Bandages
Sam Splint
Elastic Bandage
Trauma Shears
It is important to check your first aid kits regularly, replace expired supplies, and see what needs replenishing. Experts recommend that you take a first aid course through the American Red Cross. Also, teach your children what to do if they have to use a first aid kit and where it is stored.